Thursday, 30 June 2011


Find Top Value In a Table Column

create table ctr
num  int

insert into ctr values(1)
insert into ctr values(2)
insert into ctr values(3)
insert into ctr values(4)
insert into ctr values(5)
insert into ctr values(33)
insert into ctr valuse(63)

select top 1 num from(select top 3 num from ctr  order by num desc) ctr order by num desc

OutPut Is 63

Add New Column In the Table

alter table table_name add column_name datatypewithsize

Mdify Column In the Table

alter table table_name alter  column column_name datatypewithsize

Create Sub Table Use The An Other Table

select columns_names into new_Table_Name from Old_Table_Name

Create Table Using Constraints

create table emp
id int primary key,
name varchar(10) null,
city varchar(10) check(city in('ORAI','BHOPAL'))

create table dept
d_id int primary key,
e_id int references emp(id),
d_name varchar(30) not null

If You Want To Add Constraint After Create Table

create table emp
id int ,
name varchar(10),
city varchar(10) )

create table dept
d_id int,
e_id int,
d_name varchar(30)

Follow Some Point :::

1- If we Want to add the primary key in the column than first add the not null constraint  in the table tha after add  the primary key.....

Syntax is :::
              alter table emp1 alter column  id  int  not null
              alter table emp1 add constraint  i  primary key(id)i ==  Is Constraint Name

2-Add the foreign key in the table than follow this

Syntax :::
      alter table dept1 add constraint ii  foreign key(e_id)  references emp1(id)

ii ==  Is Constraint Name       

3- add the check consteaint
    table emp1 add constraint iiii check(city in('orai','kanpur'))
iiii ==  Is Constraint Name       

Some Other Quries  

create datebase database_name
use database database_name

drop table table_name
truncae table table_name
delete from  table_name

drop command drop the stracture but truncate command delete the table data




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